Thermofocus Imply® guarantees safety at Antonio Meneghetti College

Thermofocus Imply® guarantees safety at Antonio Meneghetti College

The safe return to presential activities has been a great challenge for many organizations. After all, ensuring everyone’s safety requires extra care and respect for health protocols. Therefore, Imply® Group develops several innovative and intelligent solutions to help face these challenges.

Antonio Meneghetti College, in Brazil, implemented the Imply® Thermofocus, an intelligent thermometer that performs contactless infrared measurements. Through Imply® Thermofocus, Antonio Meneghetti College ensures safety for students, teachers and employees.

Upon arriving at Antonio Meneghetti, the person goes to Imply® Thermofocus to check their temperature. As one of the most common symptoms of covid-19 is fever, Imply® Thermofocus is very useful for optimizing temperature screening in high-flow locations.

The benefits of a Smart Thermometer for COVID-19 prevention:

Imply® Thermofocus is an intelligent thermometer that analyzes body temperature with infrared measurement technology. This innovative solution provides a cost-effective way to optimize temperature measurements. It is ideal for places with a large flow of people, or with strategic operation.

In addition, there are other benefits of having the Imply® Thermofocus Smart Thermometer, such as:

• Self-service: No need for operators.

• Centralized management: From our Web Management Center, it is possible to access data analytics. Central provides dashboards and reports with real-time information. As well as records of photos of users and measured temperatures. Therefore, the system allows a centralized monitoring of all meters, in real time.

Integration with ElevenAccess Imply® Access Control System:

Imply® Thermofocus is integrated with the Imply® ElevenAccess Access Control System, which facilitates centralized management of access authorizations. The control system allows, for example, that a measurement of high temperature (fever) can generate management alerts and block access automatically.

Are you interested and want more information about the solutions we develop? Access the link:


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